Estyn Report
"Current Performance - 'EXCELLENT', Prospects for Improvement - 'EXCELLENT'". Estyn
The school underwent an Estyn Inspection during October 2016. The following comments have been taken from the report:
The school is EXCELLENT because:
- Performance in nearly all main key indicators at key stage 4 since 2014 has been well above that of similar schools, with pupils making exceptional progress from previous key stages in the majority of indicators
- Performance in the indicators that include English and Mathematics has been consistently very high for the last three years
- More able pupils, pupils with additional learning needs and pupils eligible for free school meals achieve very well
- In 2016, provisional data indicates that performance in the sixth form is above that of similar schools in all indicators and consistently well above in the average wider points score and the proportion of pupils achieving three A* to C grades since 2014
- Pupils have exceptionally positive attitudes to their learning
- Rates of attendance have been consistently well above modelled outcomes for four years
- The school's outstanding ethos, its high quality arrangements for care, support and guidance, and the consistently good teaching in lessons ensure that pupils are highly engaged and motivated to learn
The school's prospects for improvement are EXCELLENT because:
- The headteacher and senior team provide exceptional strategic leadership
- There is a clear vision to develop a culture of high expectations in all aspects of the school's work
- The school is an effective learning community with a culture of sharing and striving to improve key areas of performance
- The school's systematic and well-designed quality improvement arrangements contribute well to strengthening provision
- Line management responsibilities are clear and robust, and they ensure that teachers and managers at all levels are fully accountable for their work
- The school has made very strong progress in addressing recommendations from the previous inspection report
"We are extremely proud of our school and are delighted with the outcome of the inspection. To be awarded 'EXCELLENT' for Current Performance and 'EXCELLENT' for Prospects for Improvement is an outstanding achievement, richly deserved by the whole school community. As one of only a handful of secondary schools in Wales to be awarded 'DOUBLE EXCELLENT' judgements, we are keen to share the fabulous news with you"