Shortly our students in Year 11 will be asked to nominate the subjects that they hope to study in Years 12 and 13.
To ensure that they...
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the interest you have shown in Bryntirion Comprehensive School. Our aim is to ensure that each individual young person has every opportunity to develop the skills, competencies and personal qualities to help them make the most of their lives and to contribute to their society. We pride ourselves on the development of a happy, productive and caring learning environment, where every individual person feels valued. Our pupils are expected to behave well and show positive attitudes to their work and each other. We take great pleasure in celebrating the achievements of all our pupils, and believe that the experiences and successes young people have in school help to lay the foundation for rich and fulfilling lives. Bryntirion Comprehensive School is successful, popular and happy school. Today our work is founded on the comprehensive ideal – a belief that all children are of equal value and that it is our task to help develop the abilities and talents that all undoubtedly have. We value every pupil equally. The particular strengths children have obviously vary from one individual to another. We recognise this and provide a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular experiences to meet the needs of all our pupils. I am pleased you are interested in joining our school. Bryntirion Comprehensive School is an exciting and stimulating place to be, for both its staff and pupils. The quality of our relationships with pupils and their parents is important to us and I look forward to welcoming you as part of our community..
Hoffwn i ddiolch i chi am eich diddordeb yn Ysgol Gyfun Bryntirion. Ein nod ni yw sicrhau bod pob unigolyn yn cael y cyfle i ddatblygu’r sgiliau a rinweddau personol i’w helpu cyrraedd llawn potensial a chyfrannu at y gymuned. Rydym yn falch o’n hysgol ni, rydym yn ysgol hapus sydd yn hybu awyrgylch gofalgar, lle mae pob unigolyn yn cyfri. Disgwylir ymddygiad cadarnhaol trwy ddangos agwedd positif i’w gilydd a’u gwaith ar bob adeg. Dathlwn gyflawniadau ein disgyblion bob amser a chredwn yn gryf bod profiadau a llwyddiannau ein pobl ifanc yn sylfaen gadarn ar gyfer eu dyfodol. Mae Ysgol Gyfun Bryntirion yn un llwyddiannus, poblogaidd a hapus tu hwnt. Ein nod pennaf yw sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn gyfartal. Yn amlwg, mae gan bob plentyn cryfderau gwahanol. Rydym yn ymwybodol o hyn a darparwn weithgareddau academaidd ac allgyrsiol eang i bawb. Rwyf yn falch iawn eich bod chi’n ystyried ein hysgol. Dyma le cyffrous sydd yn ysgogi y disgyblion a’r athrawon. Dros y blynyddoedd, rydyn ni wedi datblygu cysylltiadau cryf rhwng disgyblion a’u rhieni. Edrychaf ymlaen yn fawr at eich croesawu i’n cymuned.
Ravi Pawar - Headteacher/Pennaeth
Shortly our students in Year 11 will be asked to nominate the subjects that they hope to study in Years 12 and 13.
To ensure that they...
Dear Parent / Carer
You may have seen coverage in the local news or on social media about a recent incident which occurred at the school on...
Dear Parent/Carer
You may well be aware of posts circulating on social media regarding an incident that occurred in school last Friday. We...
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