Free Maths and English Classes for Parents
The school currently offers a wide range of free Maths and English classes to parents, so that you can support your child with their homework and exam revision. If you would like to join these classes then please contact Chris Roberts from Bridgend College at . There are options of studying "face-to-face" or "Live Online". Further information on the times and level of each class are provided below.
Thursday (7pm - 8.30pm) - English for Parents: Year 7 - 10 (live online)
Monday Evening - Year 7 Maths for Parents: Group 1 (face-to-face or live online)
Tuesday Evening - Year 9 / Intermediate GCSE Maths (live online)
Wednesday Afternoon - Year 7 Maths for Parents: Group 2 (Live online)
Wednesday Evening - GCSE Higher Maths for Parents (live online)
Thursday Afternoon - Year 8 Maths for Parents: Group 1 (face-to-face or live online)
Thursday Evening - Year 8 Maths for Parents: Group 2 (face-to-face or live live online)
If you would like to join an evening class in Welsh, day to be confirmed, email Chris at